Modules At-A-Glance

Community Partnerships & Linkages:

Competencies & Learning/Performance Objectives


Module 1:   WHY Are Community Partnerships and Linkages So Important?


             Competency 1:         Participants understand, concretely and practically, why community partnerships and linkages are an essential strategy in good child welfare practice.

                 Objective 1.1:         Participants can explain to others, particularly potential community partners, the importance of community partnerships and linkages.

                 Objective 1.2:         Participants understand not only how critical community partnerships and linkages are for working successfully with families, but also for their State in having a successful Child and Family Services Review.


             Competency 2:         Participants can define who composes the range of potential community partners and the different kinds of linkages and partnerships.

                 Objective 2.1:         Participants can understand the range of potential partners and can distinguish different kinds of community linkages and partnerships.

                 Objective 2.2:         Participants can develop an ecomap of needed community partnerships and linkages for a case scenario.


Module 2:   WHAT Are Community Partnerships and Linkages, and WHO Are My Potential Partners?


             Competency 1:         Participants can define what community partnerships and linkages are, as well as the range‹the continuum‹of linkages and partnerships.

                 Objective 1.1:         Participants can distinguish between different kinds of community linkages and partnerships and begin thinking about where they and their agency are developmentally in creating, using, and sustaining collaborations.


             Competency 2:         Participants are able to describe who are their potential partners and collaborators from three different perspectives.

                 Objective 2.1:         Participants can describe the full universe of potential service providers they may need to work with in child welfare practice.

                 Objective 2.2:         Participants can identify potential partners and collaborators ranging from the formal to the informal.

                 Objective 2.3:         Participants can identify potential partners and collaborator that might be needed in implementing family-centered practice at each stage in the casework process.


             Competency 3:         Participants are able to apply their knowledge about potential partners and collaborators to working with specific families.


Module 3:   HOW Do I Create, Use, and Sustain Community Partnerships and Linkages? Begin with Assessments.


             Competency 1:         Participants understand the characteristics of successful partnerships.


             Competency 2:         Participants can assess their own agency and its readiness for community partnerships and linkages.


             Competency 3:         Participants can map their jurisdiction for potential partnerships and linkages and assess their agency¹s and their own current relationship with these resources.

                 Objective 3.1:         Participants can use this information to begin planning how to create, use, and sustain more successful community partnerships and linkages.


             Competency 4:         Participants can assess the cultures of key child welfare partners and use this information to plan for more successful and productive relationships.

                 Objective 4.1:         Participants are able to describe the ³culture² of their agency, compare/contrast it with the culture of agencies they work with, and identify the implications for the development of partnerships.


Module 4: Developing My Personal Action Plan


             Competency 1:         Participants can identify practical strategies to use in creating, using, and sustaining community partnerships and linkages.


             Competency 2:         Participants can strategize on ways of preparing to approach and work with potential collaborators.

                 Objective 2.1:         Participants will develop a personal action plan for achieving successful partnerships.