Reports STOP Formula Grant Program STOP Report to Congress

STOP Report to Congress

The STOP (Services, Training, Officers, Prosecutors) Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program (STOP Program) allocates funds by formula to states and territories to support projects in law enforcement, prosecution, victim services, and the courts to address sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. The STOP Program promotes a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to improve the criminal justice system’s response to violence against women and to develop and strengthen victim services.

Section 2004 (b) of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) requires the Attorney General to submit an annual report to Congress on the STOP Program. The report must include a summary of the grants made and funds distributed under this program, the purposes for which these grants were provided, a statistical summary of the persons served, and an evaluation of the effectiveness of programs funded.

The Office on Violence Against Women prepares these reports detailing the activities of grantees receiving federal funds under the STOP Program.

Archive of Past STOP Reports to Congress (PDF files)